Dear Moderator


This is my AS Media blog which features my progression throughout the year, including:
-First college magazine
-Research and planning
-Final music magazine

My evaluation starts from the 9th of March, and my research and planning from September 2011. My completed music magazine is right after this post, so feel free to scroll on.

I hope you enjoy my posts!

Many Thanks


Saturday 24 March 2012

Evaluation - Question 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

The change between my college magazine and my music one, is very distinctive.  As you can probably tell, I've used a wider range of technology on Photoshop to make my music mag' look more professional. On the college magazine, I've just kept a plain background and left a load of white space - covering it up with a spray painted splash tool.  The title 'Kicks' overlaps one of the splashes, making it look pretty stupid.  I didn't know at the time, how to use the layers style on Photoshop, but as I've progressed onto my main music magazine, I've used it appropriately, and the model manages to overlap LEET well.  Also, the photograph on my college magazine is badly cropped, where parts of the actual clothing are left out or cut off, making the outline disorientated.  I've managed  to crop out the image perfectly on my music magazine - the outline isn't disorientated and I also chose to give it an outline glow, after learning a bit of the Photoshop options.  The whole layout of my college magazine looks shabby, and very amateurish.  None of  the subtitles are in a layout way, and they're just plotted everywhere.  On LEET, I decided that I'd have a more compex layout, and that's how I developed the 'T' into a content-store. Also the colours aren't really attracting on Teenage Kicks, due to the amount of white left.  I didn't make the image bright enough aswell, so the model looks washed out like it would without an SLR.  My use of imagery and word of text is definitely better on LEET, as it's more emphasized.

 I've developed my magazine greatly between LEET and Teenage Kicks.  The pictures on my college magazine are shabby, and don't look professional, or suite the type of magazine that I was doing.  As mentioned before on my front cover, they look amateurish. The photographs on my music contents page, look like they'd probably feature in a well known magazine.  I've learned that to pull off a good magazine, you need to have photos that are going to attract readers, and not make people put the magazine back.  I've achieved this though, through using SLR cameras.  The entire layout of the LEET contents looks more complex.  I've used a wide range of different shapes, giving it a different look with the whole 'white background subtitles' contrasting against the white T - whereas, on my college magazine, there's no layout at all.  It's just a white background with a plain title, that I clearly haven't developed or given thought about. There's not enough content on there to inform a reader, and probably wouldn't even be put in a magazine.  I've used a wider range of texts as well on LEET, due to the fact that I need to inform readers if they're paying for a  high classed magazine.  Giving a 'band index' and a sidebar of contents makes the magazine looked more developed on a whole. Teenage Kicks basically has nothing on LEET.

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