Dear Moderator


This is my AS Media blog which features my progression throughout the year, including:
-First college magazine
-Research and planning
-Final music magazine

My evaluation starts from the 9th of March, and my research and planning from September 2011. My completed music magazine is right after this post, so feel free to scroll on.

I hope you enjoy my posts!

Many Thanks


Monday 19 March 2012

Evaluation - Question 1 - Double Page Spread

I've used the text of the main title, mainly because when I opened this magazine myself, it stood out and the wording was quite catchy, with the whole 'wild'.  It's something that attracts the readers I'm looking to appeal, but instead I changed 'child' to 'thing' - kind of matching the song, that's famously known - as people will probably recognise that song, just making them think a bit more (even though the genre isn't similar, but it's still worldwidely known).
The layout of the actual questioning, I've used aswell.  The photo takes up practically one page, whilst the questioning and answering is on the other page.  It captures the readers, and draws them in - the colour scheme working well with it too.
The models clothing is kind of similar to my model.  Dark make-up and dress sense, aswell as the gothic choker that gives off the rock genre. The pose giving off the 'What?' attitude to, although Taylor's is kind of different - which is how I've developed it, as I've gone for a more moody attitude that suites the story.
Another thing I've developed is little subtitle on Kerrangs magazine.  On mine, I've changed it to an arrow, and a quotation that comes from the right hand side.  I've decided to do this, so the whole 'arrow' theme is continued throughout the magazine, like on the front and content page.
The only thing I've partly challenged on these two pages, is part of the main photograph.  I decided to invert the background and the model, and change the brick walling to a embolded greyscale, unlike Taylors background that's just plain black.  I wasn't aiming for the entire gothic chick look on this page, as I wanted it to be a punk/grunge kind of one, even with a female model, so to change it I decided to do this.

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