Dear Moderator


This is my AS Media blog which features my progression throughout the year, including:
-First college magazine
-Research and planning
-Final music magazine

My evaluation starts from the 9th of March, and my research and planning from September 2011. My completed music magazine is right after this post, so feel free to scroll on.

I hope you enjoy my posts!

Many Thanks


Friday 9 March 2012

Evaluation - Question 1 - Front Cover


The red bar down the side of  the page, with content in, is something I could class as developed.  It matched  to have the red bar made from having the 'T' dragged down, and also  gave me somewhere to put the main subtitles of the magazine, making the mag' unique. I chose to do this and for it to feature on my magazine as it gave a different look compared to all the others, and this style was only used once on a Kerrang magazine, so it's not exactly common.
The next thing I used was the overhead image, overlapping the title. It's used on the majority of magazines, but I've used it due to the model being the main idol on the magazine, so they should be the most important - hence why they're stood out by overlapping the title.

At the top of the magazine, Kerrang used a photo slide featuring on their front cover, whereas I chose to do a font version. I chose to do this because I prefered to keep it simple rather than over crowd it with pictures, as the T on 'Leet' makes the magazine bright and too many pictures would be overwhelming.  The fonts also give me the chance to make them colour co-ordinated which makes the magazine look better overall.
The content on the red bar on the kerrang magazine is similar to the content on mine. I've put the subtitles in a bold colour and font and then undearneath given a brief description of what's featured.  he reason why it's developed is because I haven't used pictures, as for the same reason as the top of  the magazine.  I chose to use this feature on my front cover, as it'd look good using up the T space, giving it a unique look, as well as matching the whole colour co-ordination.
I kind of developed the picture on the red bar, but only because it's the second larger image out of the whole magazine and the positioning of it.  It's practically like the second main title, or main feature on the front cover hence why it's larger.  The difference is, mine isn't a band or something like that, it's a competition and is rather different. 

The main subtitle under  the image is something I've made completely different.  Kerrang's is just normal text featured, whereas I've choice  to give it a different style to make it unique - also it's a quote, and not entirely just a capturing slogan/subtitle for the picture or even just the band name.  The whole thing being emboldened makes the image look more important, aswell as the story - Not forgetting that it makes the magazine look more proffessional and unique compared to all the others.

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