Dear Moderator


This is my AS Media blog which features my progression throughout the year, including:
-First college magazine
-Research and planning
-Final music magazine

My evaluation starts from the 9th of March, and my research and planning from September 2011. My completed music magazine is right after this post, so feel free to scroll on.

I hope you enjoy my posts!

Many Thanks


Thursday 29 September 2011

Research and Planning-Evaluation of College Magazine

-The background design, which matches all the colour scheme which is he following colours: red, orange and then a black which also incorporates within the picture.
-Layout looks a little bit cramped, within the writing and also the photo shopping on the main picture isn't perfect.
The fonts I chose suite the whole theme of a college magazine, and is kind of laid back and upbeat. The masthead stands out and with it's bold red difference in the two lines it's set out in, make it attractive and appealing to it's audience. The subtitles to go along with the stories also follow the same font as the masthead but have a difference in colour not making it all the same and boring. The mini story text changes in font to something more plain but jagged, yet still a bold colour that stands out, obviously black. All the fonts match together with everything else that is on the main cover, including the 'spray splodges' that make it appeal to teenagers as it gives off the 'upbeat' vibe.
Three Colour Rule.
I have stuck by this  rule so  that it catches the eye, and also doesn't make it too stuffy with  too much content and overload of colour on the cover, which wouldn't make it as attractive as it could be with just 3 colours. I chose red and orange as  the main colours as they aren't dull and boring and red gives a non-subtle output, so it's "in your face" whereas orange is quite a subtle vibrant colour which makes a perfect match for 2 colours. I then chose black because it gives the main 'boldness' on the front page, as well as the red but black goes well with everything and also matches the picture. I decided to stick with a white background as white is a fresh colour and will stand out from a magazine that has a black background or any other colour, more due to it's light - hence the fact there is no overload of text on there it doesn't drag down the background making it noticeable even more, whereas if there was, you wouldn't be able to tell much and this colour choice wouldn't of had the same effect.
Photographs appropriate?
I do think the photograph is appropriate as it's of a student, doing her work which fits well within the whole 'college' theme, but then she's pulling a kind of "what" face, giving off the typical teenage attitude when it comes to things they're not particularly fond of. This gives off a kind of connection to other teenagers who see this and intrigues them into looking more. The colours on this picture also match the theme, with the orange in the hair matching the font and also  the black and orange top.
Stories on front cover
I find the stories on  the front cover totally appropriate as they relate to college things that students are interested about and not the usual bickering gossip that would drag down the magazines potential. They consist of things that everyone would like to know about, and not just one person like just for boys, or girls and even teachers.
Can you tell the contents page is from the front cover?
Considering the fact that the same font is used throughout the front cover and then onto the contents page I do think that you'd be able to tell it's from the same magazine. However, the colour scheme still should of changed on the contents page to match the front cover more, instead of just black.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Research and planning: Progress of college magazine

At this stage I finally cropped out the image by using the Lasso tool.  The image was taken in a busy background, so it had to be deleted as I wanted  a plain background  to match the text. Also used a brush tool to give the type of edgy affect towards the magazine, and finally added 1 story/subtitle to the magazine, but many more to come.

Monday 19 September 2011

Friday 16 September 2011

Research and Planning - College magazine questions.

The responses in this video also give ideas for the front cover, as 'bold text' needs to be on the front to attract attention, with loads of bright and funky colours. The picture also has to be suitable.

Research and Planning - College magazine questions.

The person in this video gives  the idea that the picture on the front cover of  the magazine, could be of people enjoying themselves as he states from the first question.

Research and Planning - College magazine questions.

He gives an idea when he responds to the last question mentioning about student experiences. Somewhere in the magazine there could be content revolved around that, which would interest the students friends as well as other members.

Research and Planning - College magazine questions.

A large price can put students off buying the college magazine, so the price has to be reasonable.

Research and Planning - College magazine questions.

Some students would prefer to not pay for a magazine and have less information in it, just something to browse through.

Research and Planning - College magazine questions.

Gained ideas from what older members of  the college who work here would like to see in a magazine - which is useful information and they still also prefer bright colours that will attract them and not only appeal to the younger aged.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Research and Planning-Medium Close-Ups

Looking into how the 'Medium close-up' photograph is  taken.

Research and Planning College Magazine Analyse

This magazine shows many ways in how you can spot it's a 'College Magazine', apart from the masthead. These ways would be:
- The clothing the person in the photo is wearing, gives a big give away due to age and it being casual clothing, rather than anything too sophisticated or formal which would give the impression this magazine is for something else.
-The colour scheme sticks to around 4 colours, the main one being red, making it bold and is quite a youth colour, especially the top in the photo the girl is wearing.
-The stories the magazine provides on the front cover look attracting for it's audience  towards a College type of magazine. For example, 'She's 15 & Pregnant' is something someone in their teenage years would gossip about and a story they would be intrigued into.
-The stories are placed around the photo making it look like they're all related to people around her age etc.

Research and Planning Introduction to In-design

- First time using In-Design
- Learned  how to place text into In-Design within columns
- Knowledge of how to place an image into the document and format it to a chosen size
- Learned  how to place a background on an In-Design document